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Children or tiny adults?

SUNDAY, 31 OCT. 2010, 11:13

Author: Jennifer


Sessions with clothes for children more and more often remind the ones with clothes for adult. Do we need to worry?
Photographs included in Witchery lookbooks with children's fashion caused a big stir at the beginning of the October in Australia. The company depicted children, but dressed as tiny adults.

Every kid, and especially girls, love to dress up in adult's clothes and pretend grown ups. Children observe us and they try to imitate us, it's natural, thus the senssion doesn't seem scandalous to me.

However the editor of the newspaper Herald Sun described photographs as introducing young children, who are deep in their thoughts and in dresses and poses typical for adults. the spokesman of the foundation Barnardos added to this opinion that these children look like unruly teenagers and he thinks that it is a wrong direction.

The spokesman emphasized that Witchery's campaign was too offensive and he added that The entire idea of the babyhood consists of freedom and joy from the life. At present children aged 5 are going on a diet and they worry for their appearance, what should not, generally speaking, bother them. Really the fact that people are trying to redefine the meaning of the babyhood is sad.

Witchery is defending itself claiming that a new line of clothes is stylized to meet the latest trend for childlike garments. Do you agree?

Earlier, the same brand had to account for the launch of bras for girls in the age of six.

I don't think, however, that the problem concerns this particular brand, or any producer of clothes. After all, children are not buying these clothes. Six-year-olds don't have credit cards at their disposal, and if they do it's not thanks to their credit rating, but because of their parents. However giving credit cards to small children, sending them to beauty contests, universities for the six-year-olds, courses in Chinese, ect. aren't we implying that we want them to grow up more quickly?

Where is the border between charming miniatures of clothes or universities for kids and imposing upon the child what alone we regard best, and depriving them of their childhood?

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