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How to wear oxford shoes?

TUESDAY, 15 JUN. 2010, 11:45

Author: Jennifer

Section:Hints & propositions

Summer and autum are the best time to wear oxford shoes. But what to wear with them?
Vest, trench coat, elegant trousers and beautiful oxford shoes... It is hard to imagine more artistic set inspired by men's fashion. We have to remember that only with boyish clothes these shoes look stylish.

First of all - wide range of choice

The most important issue connected with successful stylization of these shoes is to choose such kind which will match our wardrobe's content. If You'd like to wear them with a dress or jeans, choose more avant-garde model.

Pumps Bronx
Pumps Bronx
74 GBP
Pumps Bronx
Pumps Bronx
black lizzard
74 GBP
Shoes Bronx
Shoes Bronx
petrol - suede
75 GBP

Shoes in dark colours are not very best for sunny summer days, but they are OK for formal meetings or for a date.

Pumps DOTS
Pumps DOTS
55 GBP
Pumps DOTS
Pumps DOTS
55 GBP
Shoes Bronx
Shoes Bronx
74 GBP
If You need more optimistic colour, choose: grey or white.

Pumps Bronx
Pumps Bronx
65 GBP
Pumps Bronx
Pumps Bronx
65 GBP
Pumps Bronx
Pumps Bronx
69 GBP

What to wear with them?

Taking into account that fashion designers create fashion for relax, clothes and shoes inspired by men's style are not a bad idea. That is why we recommend these.

Oxford shoes are an excellent choice even for work where there is a strict dress code. They are phenomenal to wear with jackets or v-neck sweaters.

You can even wear them with skirts, especially long ones. In order to create a perfect look, wear them with shirt, wide belt and necklace.

There are many ideas on how to wear oxford shoes. The only limit is Your imagination...
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