Size Guide
  • Sizes and measurements can vary depending on manufacturer, brand and style. If you have ordered shoes of a given brand before, it's best to stick to the same size.
  • If you have not ordered shoes of a given brand before, it's best to stick to your standard size
  • We recommend reading the products reviews which can be found below the description of chosen goods. Suggestions of other shoppers may be helpful in making the right choice.
  • Not sure which size you are? Check our size guide.
  • The size is given for every shoe at Alternatively, you can look up your shoe size in the size table displayed below
    • To determine your shoe size, you should measure your foot. The easiest way to do this is by drawing a straight line on a piece of paper and marking the end of your big toe and the end of your heel on the line - the distance between the two marks is your foot length :-)
Size Foot Length (cm) Size Foot Length (cm)
35 21,7-22,3 44 28,3
36 23,0 45 29,0
37 23,6 46 29,7
38 24,3 47 30,3
39 25,0 48 31,0
40 25,7 49 31,6
41 26,4 50 32,3
42 27,0 51 33,0
43 27,7 52 33,6
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